Wolf of Wendigo

Wolf of Wendigo? What's it about? Lets unpack the title, just as a tease.
Wendigo -- There is a Wendigo Lake in Ontario, Canada. How that got it's name maybe to do with the Algonquian myth about a cannibal monster, called the Windigo or Wendigo. There are some great stories about this beast and even popular culture video games. Until Dawn features Wendigos as the main antagonist. They've even appeared on Supernatural.
Some cool Wendigo links at
I can see where the myths might have originated. In hard times, when people were cut off from civilisation. Starving with nothing else to eat, rarely, sometimes those trapped together became their own worst enemy. They don't call us the 'long pig' for nothing.
The Wendigo was supposed to be a supernatural being, or a spirit that could possess people and force them to consume human flesh.
One version says that they appear as spirits just at the edge of your vision, tall and dark with burning feet that when you look at them, they vanish. Certainly hints at the psyche going wild.
The Wolf of Wendigo is also a title given to a serial killer in the story. I'd also keep an eye out for the Wolf part. It might not be what you expect.
JW - busy editing.